Term Plan
Grade 4Teacher-set objectives:
1. Know more vocabulary and structure in listening, speaking, reading, and writing
2. Engage more, take more risks, and be more creative in communicative activities in and out the classroom
3. Have more confidence using English
TERMS/Themes 1
Life Experiences
(Birthdays and The Great Outdoors)
Let’s Go ( Grammar Points / Language Functions)
- describing past experiences
- asking about and stating what happened
- talking about what the weather is going to be like
-talking about where people are going to go
- listening to, viewing and responding to spoken, audio texts (e.g. songs, weather reports, personal recounts)
- identifying details in a listening text
- making simple connections to real life
- using language to produce spontaneous and planned spoken texts and convey them in different classroom activities
- developing general conversational skills such as: storytelling, recollecting past experiences, creating imaginary experiences to retell and make general conversation
- reading a variety of age-appropriate literature (stories, poetry, songs)
- doing reader-response activities focusing on: noting details and making inferences
-making connections with real life
-categorizing and classifying details
- asking questions about the text
Silent letters: g, l, w, t, gh, h, ph
Grammar and Writing
-writing stories/personal recounts/procedures using conjunctions
- using simple present and simple past forms of verbs correctly
-using punctuations
(apostrophe, quotation marks for direct speech)
*ongoing identification of grammar points (nouns– si. pl., reg/irr, determiners, pronouns) in the different skills and activities
Main student output
- Birthday Telegrams/Puppet Show
- Diary entries
- Show and Tell and Storytelling